I exported the Strava session to a TCX file and noticed that it had position and speed data in it (even though I had been stationary the whole time)
I wrote a short Python program that modified the XML to remove the <position> tags and set the <speed> to 0.
Then I imported the modified file to Strava and it worked perfectly! Now my session was a proper indoor activity and the graphs looked perfect.
Here is the Python code that I used. Feel free to use it:
import sys
infilename = sys.argv[1]
outfilename = sys.argv[2]
with open(infilename, 'r') as infile:
with open(outfilename, 'w') as outfile:
line = infile.readline()
while line:
if line.strip().startswith("<Position>"):
elif line.strip().startswith("<DistanceMeters>"):
outfile.write(" <DistanceMeters>0</DistanceMeters>\n")
elif line.strip().startswith("<Speed>"):
outfile.write(" <Speed>0</Speed>\n")
elif line.strip().startswith("<MaximumSpeed>"):
outfile.write(" <MaximumSpeed>0</MaximumSpeed>\n")
line = infile.readline()